Monday, January 14, 2013

"Circular/Round shaped theme"

Keyhole: This picture relates to my theme of "Circular Architecture" because of the shape of the keyhole itself. The image is pretty self explanatory. You can see the smooth texture of the rusted metal keyhole and the wood in the background. It is a close up image of a glass container in the performing arts center.

Old plate: This image was taken inside the performing arts center. The plate itself is circular hence going with my Circular theme. It has a very distinct design that I like on the edges which pops and contrasts the white sort of dirty looking colour of the plate itself. 

Wheel Reflection: I love this picture a lot because it gives a surreal look to the wheel and usually reflections are through glass or water but the wheel inside the performing arts center is reflected from the light and clean gloss of the floor. This image goes with my Circular theme because the wheel is circular shaped.

Wheel close up: So the concept with this image and my circular theme is that although you can't actually see the circular shape in the picture you can assume that it's there by the way the wooden legs in the object itself and the reflection in the ground rotate. You can basically imagine the shape considering it's a round wheel. 

Window reflection: I love the surrealism and contrast in this picture. It was lightly edited and the magic mostly came from the natural lighting shining into the performing arts center building. This image goes with my Circular theme because if you include the physical window and reflection in the floor as a whole then it appears to be round shaped. (more or so likely oval shaped, but still round.) I also love the way the composition in this photo is- merely including the window and it's floor piece and nothing else distracting to the sides besides the objects outside through the window. 

Wooden Wheel: The main focus point of this image is the center of the wheel. It's apparent that this picture goes with my theme of circular objects because although you cannot see the physical shape of the wheel like in one of my previous photos, you don't have to see the entire characteristics of the object to realize that it is round hence; circular. 
Dome: This picture was taken from a worms eye view of the dome shaped architectural figure outside of City Hall near CAHS. The Dome itself is round-shaped even though the composition of the image doesn't show the entire thing, but you can also see the small middle circle at the top. I love the design of this figure.

Key Necklace: This is an image of my old silver necklace I took near the fountain on the cement outside of City Hall. It's apparent that the theme in this image fits in well due to the three circled designs on the top of the key and the little spherical balls on the chain.
Flower: The flower itself is circular/round which goes with my theme. I love the natural brightness and contrast in this image and how I somehow captured the bee before it landed on the flower. 

St.Christopher Necklace: This is a close-up image of my St.Christopher Necklace that I've worn for going to be 2 years on January 21st. It's really special to me because it's my good luck charm. It's a surf necklace worn in the 1960's and the story behind it is that couples use to exchange them to one another as a sign of "going steady." The pendant itself is circular shaped, hence my theme. 

Snow Globe: This is a close-up, sort of 'fish eye' looking picture of a Christmas Snow Globe I have. I love the way the image turned out and the surrealism in it, the objects inside of the glass looks as if it is trapped in time. The top of the globe is over exposed though because there was a candle lit on top. The globe is circular shaped. 

Set of Wheels: I took this image during the beginning of the school year when we first starting shooting outside. It takes place on the building near the train in Grape Day park. I like the way I composed this image and it's apparent that it goes with my circular/round theme because the wheels in the picture are round shaped. 

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